China-Indian Ocean Regional Forum

    China-Indian Ocean Regional Forum


Hello my name is Puja welcome to the Sunday special episode of around the world with this program every Wednesday Friday and Sunday special program we talked about in used to enhance your understanding of global politics we will discuss one such as used in the day stories an instance of how China is trying to bypass India in the Indian Ocean region was recently seen in one of the diplomatic strix actually a few days ago China organise the median of the China Indian ocean 19 countries participated in this meeting held in yunnan province of China all the neighbouring countries of India and cheering Pakistan Afghanistan and Nepal participated in the meeting but it is being claimed that India was not even invited to this meeting hence this forum has been embroiled in controversies in its initial phase itself it is believed that China's trying to increase its influence in the Indian Ocean region and the indo-pacific with it strategy it is being said that China is playing diplomatic fix in the Indian Ocean with the help of development diplomacy on the other hand Canada as also open the front against China Canada has called in its Ally to reduce Chinese influence in the indo-pacific the sudden increase in politics and the indo-pacific has increased activism in the reason why India was not invited to this meeting is an important question but the more important question is whether any concept of shed development can be fulfilled in the Indian Ocean region without India will also talk about the interest of Canada in the indo-pacific first of all that is know what China want to achieve through the China Indian ocean regional forum actually China considers itself a major player in the Indian Ocean it is being said that China is developing a big name that will come out of China and move towards the Indian Ocean as China's most important supplies pass to this route China wants to register its military presence in this region the Indian Ocean is also a vision of the indo-pacific to China wants to intensify diplomacy in the Indian Ocean through this meeting channels resorting to development the promise eat to increase its influence on the region has proposed to establish Maritime disaster prevention and cooperation mechanism between itself and other countries in the Indian Ocean region and has also offer to provide necessary financial and Technical assistance to Meda countries has already Court Sri Lanka and Pakistan and its that were actually Jana striving for influence in the strategic Indian ocean region with substantial investments inputs and infrastructure in several countries in last Wednesday is episode be informed that China is rapidly increasing its neighbours present in the North Indian Ocean and has already made substantial investments in pots and infrastructure in several countries including Pakistan and Sri Lanka and has constructed a port in Pakistan together in the Arabian Sea and made infrastructure investment in the Maldives China has also taken Sri Lanka's hambantota port on a 1993 as far as the Indian Ocean is considered it is an important reason for India from a strategic point of view as we have already mentioned that it is a part of the indo-pacific therefore China is trying to reduce India's instruments in this region secondly the Indian Ocean is a pivotal role in the international supply chain China's import needs are also Metro this route that China is trying to increase its influence along the route of the supply chain which is a matter of concern for India and China is not giving much importance to Indian the organisations in its lyric reducing India's influence in this region is China's priority and China does not intend to give too much attention to India in the China Indian ocean original folder however Chinese ignoring the fact that no concept of shared development in the Indian Ocean region can be complete without India India as an important country in the Indian Ocean there any step by sidelining India will intensify conflict between the two countries now and other pertinent question arising why has Canada open the front against China what are carried as interest in the indo-pacific region actually trade is carried out on the last leaf through the Indian Ocean China and India major markets for Canadian goods and Canada all secrets to this route however Canada intense to reduce dependence on the Chinese Market Canada is Island India's growing middle class and the Indian market therefore Canada intense to invest in the now and other significant question arises why does Canada want to distance itself from China actually Canada is looking for a new Alliance because of bad relationship China China Canada will Asia decline in the recent years there has been tension between the two countries due to trade disputes and case of spine age allegations for the more China has also been accused of undermining Canadian the extent of bad relations between the two countries was witnessed during the G20 summit held in Bali in the snake Bali in this meeting took place between Chinese President XI jinping and Canadian Prime Minister Justin trudeau over making the meat is agenda public this incident went viral notably the indo-pacific is Canada second largest export market after the US never Canada does not want China to dominate this region like Europe and the US Canada also considers India as a major player in the indo-pacific to prevent China from dominating the region and other views India as a reliable partner because both countries and democracy and shared form values Canada considers India and important partner in the indo-pacific in view of India's growing strategic and economic importance as well as India's growing population Canada believes that the scope of India strategic importance and leadership will increase in this region and other regions of the world as when it is a well-known fact that India already operates an organisation call the Indian Ocean Rim Association 23 countries are members of this organisation for the more what group of India the US Australia and Japan is also engaged in increasing its strength in the indo-pacific and such a scenario the indo-pacific is soon going to become an alien of the traumatic maneuvering due to the efforts made by Canada and other European countries to register their presence in the richer now we come to the next segment of the Sunday special episode of around the world in this segment will talk about other significant international news last week the European Parliament passed a resolution to declare Rush Hour estate sponsor of TB Speech sponsor of terrorism 494 members of the European Parliament voted in support of the resolution 1258 members voted against the resolution and 44 MB remained Absent from voting the basis of this Resolution was deliberate attack and atrocities committed by Rush Hour in Ukraine which violates human rights and international humanitarian law was however the European Parliament move is largely symbolic as liquid open Union does not have a legal framework to implement this after China signed an agreement with Germany to provide energy that is liquefied natural gas for this purpose kutta energy at conocophillips Conocophillips have signed to sales and purchase agreement to export LNG to Germany under the agreement Germany will be provided with two million tonnes of LNG annually for at least 3 years from 20 26 it is the first supply agreement for supplying LNG to Europe from Qatar northfield expansion project under this agreement and energy will be transported from Ras laffan Qatar to the northern LNG terminal of France and Germany before the Russia Ukraine war Germany used to import about half of its total engineers from Russia with Germany has not received any LNG supply from Russia sense of this 2022 Dhol Tasha Ukraine war a two-day meeting of Neetu was held last week in Bucharest the capital of Romania and Eastern European country at the beginning of the music nature Secretary General jens stoltenberg stated that you can I will definitely become a member in the near future however he also stated that for the time being the greater focus should be on preparing ukraine's army and supplying it to them for surviving in winter Ukraine has been facing Russian attacks since February 2022 and the same is being continuously proposed by native in western countries than US Army has claimed that drove away a United States Naval ship that illegally entered the spratly islands in the disputed South China Sea and a claim for almost the entire south China sea under 19 that time however in 2016 the International Court of Justice rejected the Chinese came as business in one of the decisions forever China refused to accept the eyes today's decision and began building waterfield And began building artificial islands and expanding military activities in the sea notably the Philippines Malaysia Vietnam Runa and I were or Sholay claim to the South China Sea in recent years China has increasingly adopted in a certain strategy defend its teams in the disputed South China Sea that all in this episode that is not done the question based on true story what is China's plan under the China Indian ocean region for them how will its present study IQ challenge to India in the Indian Ocean.


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